The UK's first official Digital Proof of Age Card for UK residents 16 and over
Luciditi Age Proof is an approved PASS digital card - backed by the UK Government, Police & Security Industry Association. Available now on your smartphone via the Luciditi App.
Want to know more about PASS visit: PASS: The National Proof of Age Standards Scheme
Using your Luciditi Digital Identity App
Prove your Age in Person with Luciditi Age ID - official UK Proof of Age
Use it to check that the person calling is who they say they are
Confirm your Identity remotely to another Luciditi user or a web site
Confirm your Age remotely to another Luciditi user or a web site
Confirm Address and Citizenship
Securely share information another Luciditi user such as your credit card details
Request information from another Luciditi user such as bank account details
Sign In to an App or Website without a password
Prove your identity or role to non-Luciditi users in-person with a Luciditi Credential
Many uses, A single Digital Identity
Personal Digital identities such as the one held in the Luciditi App are becoming increasingly important in modern life. They are essential in addressing the rising cases of fraud as a result of AI-based tools designed to catch people off guard through sophisticated phishing and social engineering. Luciditi allows you to trust other people and systems and for them to trust you. By removing the need for passwords and biometrically tying your verified ID to a single device/phone, you make it almost impossible for someone to impersonate you.
Luciditi is designed to be interoperable with other wallets and Government Identity schemes across the world. These standards are slowly emerging and so global interoperability isn’t yet there. However, the goal is to make routine tasks like digitally proving your age whilst entering a nightclub in the UK just as easy in Berlin or New York.
Is my data secure?
Luciditi encrypts every piece of data (or attribute) with your personal key and stores it individually. This means that there is no single “honey pot” of data. An attacker would need to separately decrypt every data attribute and combine them to form a useful amount of data. In current computing terms, overcoming this kind of encryption renders such hacking attempts futile as it would take decades if not hundreds of years just to decipher one user’s set of data.
When you consent to share your data confidentially, it is encrypted using the owner’s key so it’s only usable by them. Anyone intercepting the message (“a man in the middle”) could not read it. At any time, you may revoke access to any data previously shared keeping you the owner in control of your data at all times.
This means that you and only you can read your data unless you give explicit consent via using the app. Your sensitive data is protected and your privacy assured.
And you needn’t take our word for it; we are routinely assessed for data security and hold certifications such as ISO2001, PASS Digital and are a certified IDSP under UK DIATF. These enure that our platform remains safe and the processes we rely on verify a users’ identity meet the high and continually evolving standards required.